Canning Salsa

I love fresh Salsa – but I don’t always like the work. Sometimes I just want to open up a jar and dig in. This recipe is my go to for canned Salsa. I have tried lots of different store bought brands, but this one beats them all in my opinion. It is a bit of work – but it’s one time and done. Then you have 5 1/2 pints of yummy Salsa to just pull out of the pantry.


9 cups fresh ripe Roma Tomatoes – peeled, seeded and chopped

To peel tomatoes – With a sharp knife, cut an X on the bottom or top of each tomato. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Slowly slip your tomatoes in the water a few at a time. When you can see the skins cracking (about 30 seconds) remove and immediately slip them into ice water. Skins peel of easily.

2 1/2 cups green Bell Peppers – chopped

2 1/2 cups white Onion – chopped

4 Medium Jalapenos – minced or 4 Serrano Peppers – seeded and minced

6 large Garlic Cloves – minced

1 cup white Vinegar

1 T canning Salt

1 – 12oz can Tomato Paste

Cilantro – chopped – to taste

Blend everything except the Cilantro in a large pot. Cook over medium heat and stirring often. Cook until thickened – approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Stir in Cilantro and remove from heat.

Fill hot canning jars to 3/4 inch from the top. Seal with hot lids and rings.

Process in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes. Cool completely.

If you would like to freshen up the flavor, add more fresh Cilantro when you open up a jar.



