Category: Uncategorized

  • Canning Salsa

    I love fresh Salsa – but I don’t always like the work. Sometimes I just want to open up a jar and dig in. This recipe is my go to for canned Salsa. I have tried lots of different store bought brands, but this one beats them all in my opinion. It is a bit…

  • Special K Bars

    Who doesn’t like Special K Bars? These are a definite Ness Family Favorite. Kiddos ask for them whenever we plan get togethers and Nana and Papa love them too. They make a wonderful no-bake treat when you want something but you don’t want to turn on the oven. Like right now when it’s in the…

  • My Favorite Relish

    I think everyone has their favorite – this one is mine. Some of my family love it and some prefer a Dill Pickle Relish. Maybe it’s the green pepper in it. I’m not sure what it is, but this is by far my favorite. If you have a garden like ours, now is when you…

  • Pulled Pork – the many ways

    Over the years I have made massive amounts of Pulled Pork. It was on our menu at the Kitchen and we had a tried and true method cooking it in an Electric Roaster. It came out super juicy and we all Loved it. My newest method is on the Smoker. It turns out just as…

  • Fresh Cucumber Salad

    Every year I can’t wait for Garden Fresh Veggies. Prior to opening the restaurant I grew just about every veggie you could name. I love working in the dirt and even more, I love the fresh food. But, with all the hours spent at the restaurant I gave up growing my own and started going…

  • Mandarin Chicken Salad

    While I don’t condone fast food restaurants, they do seem to have a place in life. In a past career, I often had to run errands over my lunch hour, grab something to eat quick and head back to work. Because I try hard not to indulge my love of greasy foods, I most often…

  • GORP (or Trail Mix)

    Growing up, I never knew what GORP meant. I just knew it was good. As an adult I learned from my sister that it meant “Good Old Raisins and Peanuts”. Which – made me laugh because for us, it was never just that, we had always added more. I believe that GORP should be all…

  • Buttered Toffee Shortbread

    I am a Major Fan of Shortbread – all kinds and flavors. I just Love Shortbread. However, I have had a few that were just not buttery enough, or too course. I feel a really good shortbread should just melt in your mouth. This Toffee Shortbread is smooth, buttery and definitely melts in your mouth.…

  • Baby Back Ribs

    I have never been much of a Rib eater. I just never found them to be very tasty. Most of the ones I had eaten were a bit dry or sometimes rubbery to chew. It just wasn’t a meal I liked very much, so I rarely ever ate them. Well, now that has changed. I…

  • Gooey Cream Cheese Butter Bars

    Who isn’t a sucker for something that puts Gooey, Cream Cheese and Butter together. This bar is rather easy to make and even easier to devour. It is wonderful all by it’s self or served with fruit. I choose fresh strawberries and Curt chooses a strawberry rhubarb sauce. I think you will love it as…