Category: Uncategorized

  • Coconut Fudge Pillows

    Who doesn’t love Fudge and Coconut! And, who doesn’t love pie crust. This recipe puts it all together in a neat little package of yumminess. Way back before my Kiddos were born I used to make these for just my husband and myself. It’s one of those recipes that takes a bit of putzing time.…

  • Mushrooms Please!

    I am sure this will not excite too many people out there, but it sure does Me! I had been trying for years to put together just the right ingredients and amounts to make a Wonderful Mushroom Soup – and now I think I’ve got it just right! Growing up, my sister would pass off…

  • Donuts Anyone?

    Many years ago our family started a tradition of making Donuts every year when we had the first snow fall. I had no idea how special this tradition was to my kiddos until my youngest daughter Laura called me one day from college. She was up in Grand Forks at the time and asked, “Do…

  • Italian Lemon Cream Cake

    Many years ago a very Special Friend brought me a slice of cake that she had gotten at a little Mom and Pop restaurant in Fergus Falls, MN. She was so excited to share this cake and asked me if I could possibly recreate the recipe. Well, I tried and tried, but never got the…

  • Oh.. the Comfort of Soup

    Remember the great dumpling soup grandma used to make? Nowadays nobody seems to get it just right. Lots of restaurants claim to have the best Knepfla soup ever – but when you taste it, it’s just not what you remember. Try this one – it just might be what you were looking for. Quite a…

  • Let’s Go Italian with Meatballs and Marinara

    Yes – I know these are both in my cookbook. But besides the recipes, I’m going to confess something. I cheat. I cheat – it’s true. I like to save time here and there, and so I cheat. I love the marinara sauce as is when I use it for a meatball sub or when…

  • Too Many Bananas

    As a small family of just 2 plus pup, we often find we have too much of something. Bananas being one of them. I often make Banana Bread, but sometimes I just don’t feel like making bread. But I really just hate to toss out food. A very long time ago I found the perfect…

  • I love Asian Flavors

    If I had the money, I think I would eat out at an Asian restaurant at least 3 times a week. I just love Asian food and I love noodles. But, since I don’t have that kind of money, I have found quite a few really good make at home alternatives. This Lo Mein recipe…

  • Why Not Pot Pie

    I grew up in a home where Pot Pies were not even heard of. I honestly had no idea there was such a thing until I started seeing little ones, frozen in the grocery stores. Since I have a negative thing about frozen entrees, I never even tried one. It wasn’t until I was in…

  • Dates make me Happy!

    OK, I love going on a date with my sweet hubby, but I’m talking the Real thing. Dates! Sweet, chewy yummy Dates! I buy bulk packages of quality dates to eat just plain. As my sister can tell you, I will search for Date Cookies at bakery venders at the Pride of Dakota events and…