Coconut Fudge Pillows

Who doesn’t love Fudge and Coconut! And, who doesn’t love pie crust. This recipe puts it all together in a neat little package of yumminess.

Way back before my Kiddos were born I used to make these for just my husband and myself. It’s one of those recipes that takes a bit of putzing time. So once the Kiddos arrived I rarely made them, and the recipe sort of got lost in all the easy cookie recipes I have, Recently I was going through my recipe box and it popped out at me. (Yes I have a Box – actually a double size Box that I rarely look at anymore because I have most things in Google Docs or on my phone.) When I saw it I got really excited and bummed that I would have to wait until I bought coconut to make them. I’ve made them twice lately – once was not enough! I will definitely be putting this one in my Google Docs.

I hope you enjoy as much as I do.

Coconut Fudge Pillows

3 cups Flour

1/2 tsp Salt

1 cup Butter, cold

1/2 cup Water

2 tsp Vanilla

Mix flour and salt in a medium sized bowl. Cut in Butter using a pastry cutter. Blend water and vanilla then sprinkle over the flour mixture and blend well with a fork. Cover and set aside while making the filling.

Coconut Fudge Filling:

1/2 cup Butter, soft

2 Egg Yolks

1 cup Sugar

2 tsp Vanilla

1/3 cup Cocoa Powder

1 cup Flaked Coconut

Blend well.

To make the cookies, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Generously sprinkle sugar on whatever surface you plan to roll them on. I use a silicone mat. I also have a cloth covered pastry board. But, back before kids I didn’t have all the Kitchen toys I have now, and I rolled them out right on my kitchen counter. Whatever works.

Roll out dough to approximately 1/8th of an inch thick or thinner if you like less pastry. Then cut your pastry into 2 1/2 to 3 inch squares. Place 1 tablespoon of the filling in the center of each cookie. Fold all four corners into the middle and pinch each crease to hold in the filling. Place cookies on a parchment covered sheet seam side down and bake for approximately 18 minutes. There will be some leakage no matter how well you pinch the seams – it’s OK.



