Curt’s Rhubarb Custard Pie

Spring is here and the Rhubarb is popping up – this mean Rhubarb Custard Pie to my Sweetie. He just Loves anything Rhubarb. We grow our own so we can freeze some for all the long months until the Rhubarb grows again. I make rhubarb sauce for him to have with his ice cream. Rhubarb for German Kuchen. Rhubarb for strawberry rhubarb pies. Rhubarb bread. Rhubarb for any possible recipe he can find.

Many, many years ago he came home from work with a Rhubarb Custard Pie recipe. (He can’t even remember where he got it from.) He was so excited and said it was absolutely Amazing. He went out and bought a pie crust and proceeded to make his first pie. He was thrilled with it – all except for the crust. He felt it could be better – so I told hm, “Next time – just ask and I’ll make you a crust”. And so – whenever he plans to make a pie – I make a crust for him. (Recipe for the crust is below the pie.) We served this pie at CJ’s Kitchen and customers loved it as much as Curt does. I hope you enjoy!

Rhubarb Custard Pie

1 cup Sugar

3 Eggs, beaten

3 T Flour

1/4 tsp Cinnamon

1 Cup Heavy Cream

1 tsp Vanilla

2 cups Rhubarb, diced

Whisk together the first 6 ingredients until smooth. Fold in Rhubarb and pour into an unbaked pie shell.

Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes. Cool before slicing.

Jan’s Pie Crust

Enough for a 2 crust pie.

2 1/2 cups flour

1/2 cup Butter – cold

1/2 cup Shorrtening

1/4 tsp Salt

4 T Heavy Cream

4 T Water – cold

Cut butter and shortening into the flour and salt using a pastry cutter or fork. Sprinkle with the cream and water then blend lightly. Roll out half of the dough for each pie shell.






One response to “Curt’s Rhubarb Custard Pie”

  1. Donna Morse Avatar
    Donna Morse

    Looking forward to trying this recipe. I may as a meringue. Thanks for sharing.