Fresh Cucumber Salad

Every year I can’t wait for Garden Fresh Veggies. Prior to opening the restaurant I grew just about every veggie you could name. I love working in the dirt and even more, I love the fresh food. But, with all the hours spent at the restaurant I gave up growing my own and started going to a Farmers Market as often as I could. I highly recommend getting as much of your produce as possible from a local Farmers Market.

One of my very favorite fresh veggies is Cucumber. I eat them in sandwiches, plain with just a bit of salt, as Pickles (canned or refrigerator) and in all my salads. But my favorite way to eat them is a very easy Dill Cucumber Salad. I think you’ll like it.

Fresh Cucumber Salad

4 medium size Cucumbers

1/4 cup White Vinegar

1/2 tsp Salt

1/4 cup Mayonnaise

1 tsp Dry Dill Weed – or – 1 T Fresh Dill Weed, snipped (or more – I love Dill)

Peel and slice cucumbers. In small bowl, blend cucumbers, salt and vinegar. I often add diced onion as well. Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour – shaking it a few times to coat the cucumbers.

Pour off the salty vinegar and mix in the mayonnaise and dill. Serve and enjoy!



