The Best Chicken Salad

Many years ago my husband and I took a vacation to the Boston area. We both love history and old architecture. We were lucky enough to have Curt’s cousin who lived in the area give us some great advice on where to go while we were there. One of the places we went to was Martha’s Vineyard. We took a fairy over to the island and walked all around. It’s a beautiful place to visit is the Springtime.

Wherever we go we like to ask the locals where they like to go to eat, so while on our walk we asked someone who lives there were he goes for a great lunch. He told us the best place was the Black Dog – but not the one on the Warf, the one up the hill. So, we trudged up the hill. Part way up the hill we were thinking this better be worth it! It sure was. They had lots of homemade sandwich fixing’s to choose from and lots of homemade breads to put them on. I tried the Chicken Salad and absolutely LOVED it. When we got home from that trip I just had to recreate that salad, and here it is. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Chicken Salad

2 pounds Chicken Breast – cooked and cubed small

2/3 cup dried Cranberries (Craisins)

1/4 cup Onion – diced small

1/4 cup Celery – diced small


1 T Sugar

1 1/4 cup Mayonaise

1/2 cup Sour Cream

2 T Raspberry Blush Balsamic Vinegar (Alessi brand is best)

Mix all your sauce ingredients well then blend into all the ingredients. Chill and Serve on your favorite bread.



