Warm Custard Comfort

There is nothing like a warm custard on a cold winter day. Best of all, this one is super easy to make. Mix, pour and bake. You’ll love it!

5 cups scalded milk

7 eggs

2/3 cup sugar

Dash Salt

2 tsp Vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Scald milk in microwave. Takes about 10 minutes on high – heat until it has a film on top – not quite to a boil.

Beat eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla in a heat resistant bowl.

Slowly beat in the hot scalded milk a little at a time. When completely blended pour into a large casserole dish or small custard cups.

Sprinkle with ground nutmeg.

Place a pan with very hot water in the oven and then place your casserole dish or custard cups into the water pan. Water should not reach closer than 1/2 inch from the top of your custard cups. Be very careful not to burn yourself.

Bake for 45 minutes. But check after 30 minutes. When custard is ready a knife inserted halfway to the center will come out clean.

Very carefully take your custard out of the water. Let it sit for 10 minutes – serve!

Wonderful treat hot or cold!






2 responses to “Warm Custard Comfort”

  1. Laura Avatar

    I’m looking forward to trying out this custard at Christmas!

  2. Cheryl Hackey Avatar
    Cheryl Hackey

    Thank you! A custard pie without the crust!💕